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今日推荐开源项目:《添加字幕 obs-auto-subtitle》
今日推荐英文原文:《Bored With Life? Here Are Two Ways to Make It More Fun》

今日推荐开源项目:《添加字幕 obs-auto-subtitle》传送门:GitHub链接
推荐理由:该项目为 OBS 实时字幕插件,能够一边讲话一边自动生成字幕。目前仅支持普通话。
OBS(Open Broadcaster Software)是一个免费开源的视频录制和视频实时流软件,被广泛使用在视频采集,直播等领域。官网:https://obsproject.com/
今日推荐英文原文:《Bored With Life? Here Are Two Ways to Make It More Fun》作者:Itxy Lopez

Bored With Life? Here Are Two Ways to Make It More Fun

Easy ways to feel a little freer.

(Photo by Soundtrap on Unsplash)
We take life too seriously. We’re strict about work schedules, habits, and chasing our dreams. This is a good thing, but eventually, you reach a point when too much of a good thing turns sour.

By acting overwhelmingly strict about life, there’s no space for freedom, spontaneity, or play — all of which are necessary to keep your life from becoming repetitive and boring.

This is when we end up in slumps, tired of life, and why artists end up creatively blocked. If your life doesn’t change, even a little, it sucks the joy out of living. You go from a balloon floating in the sky to a flat blob on the ground.

But that doesn’t have to be true. Anyone, even the most strict and controlling, can learn to let go. You don’t need to go out and explore. You can take two simple steps.

Tap Into the Power of Music

(Photo by Lee Campbell on Unsplash) Music is strange. It helps you concentrate and grounds you in the moment, but it also transports you and makes you feel like you’re flying — even if only for three or four minutes.

Psychology Today shared,

“When we satisfy our desire to eat, sleep, or reproduce, our brain releases dopamine — the “feel-good” neurochemical involved when we experience pleasure and reward. Turns out this same chemical is released when listening to music.”
We’re especially restrictive when it comes to working and being productive. Most of us don’t listen to upbeat music we know the lyrics to when we work because it can be distracting, but distraction, while you work, is the key to breaking the routines that have sucked the fun out of life.

Being productive is important, but who said productivity had to be boring? You’re allowed to have fun while you work. It’s not supposed to suck the life out of you. That’s where the power of music comes in.

I’m not recommending that you listen to music every time, especially if you’re on a deadline, but this could make life a little more enjoyable.

The other day, while I was editing an article, I shuffled my ‘liked’ songs and let myself get distracted, but not by social media or anything on the laptop. I let myself pause and dance, I’d sing the choruses to my favorite songs, and you know what I felt? Happy. It was great to let go of all the rules and let myself be in the moment while working.

It took me a long time to finish my work, but I didn’t care. What mattered was that I was having fun. People don’t listen to music when they work because it distracts them. For once, for just a couple of hours, that’s the point.

Be Unapologetically Curious Like a Child

(Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash)
My two-year-old cousin, like all toddlers, is endlessly curious about the world. She likes pressing buttons, opening, and closing items, and turning dials to see what happens.

The other day she opened a wallet and said, “Wow,” when she saw all the compartments and contents inside, which she proceeded to go through. All I could think about was how less curious people become as we grow — as if we knew everything about the world.

The truth is, there’s still so much that can surprise us. So much that can make us say, “Wow.”

We should all act like children and allow ourselves to be curious. Whichever buttons you want to press and doors you want to open, do it.

The beautiful thing about life is that there is an endless array of things to learn. There will always be something you don’t know about, and thanks to the Internet, learning is only a couple of taps away.

According to the Greater Good Magazine,

“Research has shown curiosity to be associated with higher levels of positive emotions, lower levels of anxiety, more satisfaction with life, and greater psychological well-being.”
A couple of years ago, my siblings and I decided we wanted to memorize the name and shape of every country in the world. So, we did. Some people might call that a waste of time — it’s not like it helped me advance in my career. But we were curious, and it turned out to be a fun exercise.

This is how you need to approach curiosity. You don’t need an excuse to learn something new. You don’t need to figure out how it’ll help reach your goals or how you can monetize it. You can learn about anything just because you can and want to.

By expanding your knowledge, you start thinking about new things, which can enhance your life, your work, and your creativity. It might not help your career, but it’ll make life more exciting — which if you’re reading this article, is exactly what you want.

Life doesn’t need to be a series of seriousness. Not everything has to be the end of the world. Life can be careless and fun and loose. Your curiosity and creativity don’t need to die once you grow up — that’s when you should be using it the most.

We don’t stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing. — George Bernard Shaw
I’m not telling you to abandon all of your rules and to act without being aware of the consequences. I’m saying you’re allowed to play and question everything around you. It’s up to you to become that balloon in the sky again.
