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今日推荐英文原文:《A Worldwide Homicide》

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今日推荐英文原文:《A Worldwide Homicide》作者:Tim Varner

A Worldwide Homicide

(Photo by Bernd Dittrich on Unsplash)

The Death of Society

As the holidays approach I have come to one inevitable realization. The advancements in technology throughout the world have severely diminished what it means to be human. Technological advancements, although useful, have taken away from the “meaning of life” and replaced it with the archived cloud. The generation that is growing in today’s society will never know what it means to be wholesome nor understand the importance of finding yourself. I strongly believe that technology has destroyed most of what I cherished in my youth. As my mind began to dissect the categories, I wanted to present my case.

Remembering Music

Once upon a time, there was a talent-filled industry consisting of musical icons. From classical pianists such as Beethoven and Mozart, the generational defining Presley and Hendrix, to the grandest of showmen in Kiss and Motley Crue. The musical abilities these and millions of other artists possessed have and forever will be unrivaled for the rest of time. With my two younger children I have experienced the newest idea of “music.”

I have an incredibly hard time wrapping my interest around any song they play me. With the repetition of juvenile words or the electronically-driven accompaniments, the sounds this generation is addicted to, have no bearing on the musical world. Although I live beyond my times, growing up in the “boy-band era”, I realized the beginning landslide at a young age. I found myself following the newer scene of pop-punk bands and heavy rock but could never stray from the historical musicians of the past.

Today we can sit behind a computer and make a volatile, decibel-driven track and make millions. No talent is needed. My children sit and listen to these ridiculous beats not understanding what little goes into them. The musicians of the past played with their hearts, of course, everyone wants to make a dollar, but more musicians were in it for the love rather than the paycheck. These days these pop and “rap” stars have zero talent and rely solely on technology to produce their millions, as well as, the impressionable ears of our youth.

Films in Black and White

The main idea for this article came from the incredibly tedious task of picking holiday films to watch with my children. Through their recommendations, I have discovered a world of impossible impressionism. The complete holiday classics such as “Miracle on 34th Street”, “Babe’s in Toyland” and “A Christmas Story” have been pushed to the cobwebbed vault in lieu of films without context, meanings, or talent. The world these days has grown to expect the billion-dollar explosions and uncharted territorial locations, whereas the real classics are low budget and simplistic. With the expectations set forth from movies such as “Star Wars” and “Avatar,” the generation growing will never understand the simplistic movies of realistic stories. Encompassing life-lessons and cherished family values, the movies of the past helped construct generations through respect and gratitude. I firmly believe one of the last great holiday films was the Jim Carrey adaptation of the Grinch. Since its release, there have been very few movies to encompass the true meaning of the holiday spirit while teaching lessons of life.

My wife and I discussed the fact that these days everyone is attempting to recreate the classics, undoubtedly due to the lack of creativity and passion for the industry. The classics made their mark and will forever stand due to their originality and realistic tendencies. As the film industry grows, preying on youthful innocence. With billion-dollar budgets and impossible circumstances, although relative to a child’s imagination, they will never stand the test of time.

Remote Controlled

Family game night, for those who remember, was an entertainment beyond imagination. With the ability to converse with family while getting your butt whooped by dad (still think he cheated), this addition to past generations was of great significance. With the technological addition to this once bonding time, the loss of communication has divided families. My children still like to play board games with my wife and me but their interest and patience run out faster than a puddle in the desert. We have tried playing the new-age games with my children, online-streaming and electronically-driven platforms, but the lack of quality time spent in each other’s presence is diminished. We may be in the same room and often side-by-side but with the “must-have headphones” and interruptions from the twelve-year-old profane kid from across the map, these games leave no possibility of communication between families.

The video game generation began when I was young, and they were a great distraction for the youth, but as movies, they were simplistic and easy to put down. Now children immerse themselves in a whole new realm which they don’t understand nor care to. Anyone across the world can hide behind the system and be whoever they want to be, say what they please, and suffer little to no consequences. My children know that if the profanity starts flying or someone is mistreating them, they quickly opt out of the game, but are fast to find another. We have blocked, banned, and completely destroyed certain games they play, but every day there is a new option and another “must-have.”

When my children aren’t playing the games we allow, they are watching someone else play them on television. YouTube has created an unparalleled world of millionaires who simply possess a camera and free time. As frustrating as it is, the world is technology-driven, and we have to adapt in some ways, but my children see these “stars” living a world of fantasy. Doing and saying whatever they want due to their backing of financially sound parents leads the youth into believing respect and care is a thing of the past.

My Hypocritical Oath

I agree with technology in the sense that the world is growing towards an inevitable robotic society. Smartphones, laptops, and self-driving vehicles have proven to be useful and intriguing. With that said, I strongly attest that technology is causing the world to become as lazy as my dog during the rain. The advancements made have caused more anxiety and depression than ever before, as well as, I believe, the outbursts of violence and self-harm. If the power goes down or the internet skips a beat my children’s worlds are turned upside down. We have raised them to cherish the outdoors as well, but my youthful sun-up to sun-down lifestyle has vastly changed. Kids hate to sweat and get dirty, therefore disagree with fun. Scars and broken bones allow me to remember my childhood, for good or bad, I never have to look back and remember “that one time I beat a European player online or was in the same game as a YouTube sensation.” My memories are real and not technology-driven.

The simplistic virtues of a structured society have been misplaced. I hope there is a possibility to redeem what we have lost sight of, but with the technology growing, we may never know another person. The newest generation believes they’re grown because they can Google a math problem in seconds. There is no more need to think for yourself nor a requirement to simply, think. At the push of a button we have the world in our hands, we have no more use for books and literature or lessons around the fire. This generation’s grandparents are of a caveman magnitude. They cannot fathom a life without the accessibility of technology. Through online bullying and pedophilia intentions, the innocence is lost by a simple surge protector that does everything but protect. Wars and riots have been started by a simple Facebook post, lives have been sacrificed due to a trending private picture. The slacker mentality is rising faster than anyone can perceive, and the loss of life participation easing to exist.

Technology has its benefits in many unrecognized ways but I will always plead with the world that simple design is the key to a successful life. We need to all get back to our innocence and learn to be human again.
