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今日推薦英文原文:《iOS 14 resets iPhone's default apps to Apple's Safari and Mail after reboot》

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今日推薦英文原文:《iOS 14 resets iPhone's default apps to Apple's Safari and Mail after reboot》作者:Ian Sherr, Shara Tibken, Stephen Shankland
推薦理由:蘋果公司最近的新品發布會備受矚目, 隨之而來的是全新的IOS14系統. 但是於此同時, 人們也發現了該系統中存在的重大Bug: 每次重啟設備後會自動將默認瀏覽器設置為蘋果自帶的Safari瀏覽器.

iOS 14 resets iPhone's default apps to Apple's Safari and Mail after reboot

Users have found a major bug in Apple's iOS 14 iPhone software. The free software upgrade, which Apple made publicly available Wednesday, includes features many users had long asked for, such as better ways to organize apps, living programs called widgets on the home screen, and the ability to change which default apps the phone uses to browse the web or send an email. That last one doesn't appear to work.

A growing chorus of Twitter users has been posting about the bug in Apple's default email and default web browser options. What happens is that whenever they set the default browser to Google's Chrome, for example, it works as expected, and tapping any link in an app or browser will open Chrome on the iPhone. But then if they restart the phone, iOS 14 changes that default back to Apple's Safari.

"We are aware of an issue that can impact default email and browser settings in iOS 14 and iPadOS 14. A fix will be available to users in a software update," Apple said in a statement.

Google and Microsoft didn't respond to requests for comment. CNET was able to confirm this bug on an iPhone running iOS 14, as was 9to5Mac, which earlier reported the issue.

"We expect whatever issue is happening here will get resolved soon," another browser maker, DuckDuckGo, said in a statement. Mozilla said it's working with Apple to resolve the issue for its Firefox browser.

The bug is a reminder that although Apple's been publicly testing its new iOS 14 and iPadOS 14 software since the since announcing it in the summer, the company's rarely able to fully iron out bugs before release.

This is partly why CNET's reviewers recommend backing up your phone to the cloud or to a computer before any upgrade.